Information for Podcasters

PodQueue is intended to build on the open standards of the web and podcast RSS feeds to make it easier for people to discover and listen to audio on the web.

PodQueue does not host audio for its users, but instead creates standard podcast RSS feeds that point to existing audio links on the web. A user listening to a podcast through PodQueue should still be recorded normally in any server-side statistics which that podcast uses to track listenership. PodQueue also does not access audio that's gated by a login (e.g. private Patreon posts).

In almost all cases, PodQueue will be able to locate the podcast audio for a podcast episode's webpage without any special PodQueue-specific technical considerations needing to be taken by the webpage designer. We've built code which can handle the major embedded audio players and podcast hosting platforms, as well as generic code which can handle general cases. If you're especially concerned that we won't be able to locate the audio from your webpage, the easiest solution is to simply add a "Download" link to the page with a direct link to the audio file in MP3/M4A format, in addition to any embedded audio players.

In some cases, if PodQueue detects that the audio link it finds for a page is likely to expire based on a timestamp or token, it will serve a unique PodQueue-hosted proxy link for the audio in users' RSS feeds. In these cases, PodQueue still does not host the audio, but instead resolves the audio link at the time the proxy link is requested and returns a redirect to the audio location.

If you have any concerns about your podcast's ability to be used with PodQueue, feel free to contact us at

For copyright cases, we've outlined extra instructions on how to notify us about infringement claims.